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Into the Cairnheim Forest

Deva, Tara, Faith, and Jaydin went right back out to the forest. They needed to find out who was killing off the animals in masses. Once more, they traversed back into the heart of the woods. Luckily, it wasn't raining this time, but there was an icy breath in the air. It was thick with something dark and eerie, as if it was crawling along their flesh. Almost like they hadn't bathed in a month or so. It felt like a second skin, but evil. Almost like the eyes in the back of the closet that couldn't be there, but was, just watching you. Yes, they definitely would get the feeling they were being watched.

The moon was out, so it lit the way for them to a degree. However, they would rely on that torch once they crossed over into the woods. To get to it, they had to go through the animal carcasses once more. Sure enough, the bloodied enclosure was still there, looking much the same as it did last night. Shards of a pulpy texture lay thrown about like someone ripped open a book, only it was flesh. Blood stained the vegetation around it as if something exploded and froze, a painting in reality for all to see.

There was a tree that stretched from one side of the forest to the other and it blocked them moving any further. However, they didn't have time to worry with that. Three wolves attacked them from the rear. Once they defeated the wolves, they turned around and the tree was gone. Tara swore it was an angry mage.

The moved forward once more, but didn't get far before three vultures attacked them. They were huge with a wingspan of 7 feet and stood at 3 foot with razor sharp talons and pointy beaks. Tara ripped the bird apart with a very sharp rock. Jaydin got the fire started using some of his alchemist supplies and then Tara cooked it on flat rocks in the fire.

Once they were finished eating, Tara burned the intestines and the rest of the bird in the fire. Then they all made camp. Everyone went to sleep, but Tara stayed up, watching, until she finally passed out up in the tree where she chose to sleep.

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