Blacklist. Some people claim it’s not necessary to have a blacklist, but if you broke a major law in Brimstone before and were banned then you’re getting added to the permanent ban again. That is what permanent means. Now, they might not be playing the same characters, but it doesn’t matter; it’s the MUN who is blacklisted from ever joining with ANY character. I know there were a few more, but for now, this is it. Anyone helping those listed here to return to Brimstone will join them in the ranks on this page. Many like to sneak back in, but eventually, you are found out and when you are, you will be terminated. End of discussion.
Brande St. Aubyn (Belle) – Cross RP and citing a revolt. Her character was executed in Brimstone without the chance of ever being revived.
RedFuryOne (Taboo) – Cross RP