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A few rules:



Time. Medieval time is way too complicated for me to even begin to try and understand. They did have clocks later on, so we’re going to borrow those. Each day is a new day. It will be real time. What that means is that every day is the same as it is in modern times, only it's in medieval. If it's Monday here, it's Monday there. No skipping time.

Dice. Everyone is to keep track of their own money. You earn money by actually participating. $1 per minute of RP log time.

OOC (Out of character – mun bubbles) is forbidden unless clarification is needed or OOC strings stating what your character is doing. (Wait, what does that mean?) And then clarifying is allowed. (None of these bubbles are allowed unless there’s a reason for it.) If you step away from the computer (AFK) is acceptable as well as a must. We have to know if you’re in front of the computer just in case some creature comes out of the woods and starts beating people up. I usually have my character go to the bathroom, or sit and ponder something for a minute. However, do NOT put (back) and then the chorus of (WB) (TY) because it fills the room with much-unneeded debris and makes the log longer. When you return, simply have your character exit the bathroom, or snap out of their daydreams. There will be days where we are just sitting around shooting the shit, but that will be a day of no playing, just talking.

Absolutely NO Cross RP will be permitted. Those of you acting like little kids will be terminated. Some of you are not sure what cross RP means, allow me to explain.

Just because you, the mun, knows something doesn't mean your character does.

* Having your character pissed off at someone over ooc is crossing. 

* If you have three characters in the realm, they do not know every detail about each other. 

* Posting your OOC thoughts in your character's actions is another form of cross RP and I will put you in check.

Mun Drama. Not allowed. No one comes here to listen to you guys bitch and moan. If you can't get along in reality then only communicate in character. You deal with your own issues outside the game. It’s a game. I have NO tolerance for those who think they can cross RP, and that usually is the end result to mun drama. I do not care the reasons for it either. If you are medicated, do not play until you have your senses again. If you are on your period, take your bi-polar ass offline until you can be normal. If you're drunk, don't play until you're sober. None of those excuses will be accepted.

Post limits. We don’t have a post limit, nor do we have to wait in a line for people to speak. The only time we are turn based is during a fight in a mission. It is proctored and each person takes their turn. There is no such thing as cutting into someone's post. You can have many one liners or you can have a rather large post, but make it mean something. Don’t enter the room, describing the door knob, or the leaves in the trees, unless it has something of value to add to the scene. I like detail as much as the next person, but there is such a thing as too much.

Thoughts. No one can read thoughts. Please don’t sit around and post what your character is thinking. It’s just wasted space on the log as no one can comment to it and you add nothing to the storyline or the scene. You can post an expression which screams what your character might think of another, but we don’t care what their thoughts are. Actions and dialogue are what is important. 

Pregnancy. Oy, this has been a rough one. If you have unprotected sex, there could be a pregnancy. Now, the chances are slim, that is why we have such a difference in percentages. The man rolls 1d20. If it’s above 16, congrats! You’re pregnant. However, the woman will not know it for at least two months and you will play a pregnant character for nine complete real-time months. Women giving birth before nine months, without all the medical technology today, the baby would die. Many women died during childbirth and infant deaths were quite high and the men were excluded from the birth chamber.

You choose the skills. This means there is no distinction between classes and the skills and magic. You choose what you want your character to be by the skills/spells you choose. I am not separating them. You don't have to pick a class to use anything, but remember what you choose will define your character to others.  

Poofing. Shit happens. Sometimes you have to go without saying or dragging your character out. However, when that happens, your character is no longer in the scene. He/she walked off or went somewhere. The other characters in the chat are not going to be responsible for missing characters.

© 2016 by Brimstone Realm.

Proudly created by Lisa

(Tortured Tales/WritingDiversity)

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