GMs get an extra 2xp for RP credit as well as the $2,000. Why? Very simple. Our GMS play the companions, their own characters, have to keep track of what is happening with the mission, have to create the scoreboard, have to keep track of all the ooc strings, have to watch out for the party, and the list goes on a few more. There is a lot involved with running a mission and playing companions. So, instead of the 1xp per minute for RP credit, they get 2xp for RP credit; we think that is fair. It should be more, but that's just crazy talk then. The GMxp will go into a pool for that GM name and the mun can decide who to give the xp to as far as his/her other characters. It cannot be gifted to another mun. Once the transformation has been placed, it cannot be changed.
Before we had a bunch of divisions. They each had their skills. However, it's not necessary. Play your character as you will. If your character is good at tracking, then track. If you get carried away with it, I will reel you in and put you in check.
Flip a coin? 1d2 = 1 - heads/2 - tails. Locked door or gate? 1d2 = 1 - closed/2 - open
One of the things that Brimstone has always been well known for is our adventures. We took D&D, gave it a slight twist, and brought it online. We've been doing them since we first started in 1997. It's a fun way to spend an evening and a great way to help your character grow. Before we used to have them in private so that everyone could have all their characters in there, but now we're doing them in public. You can have a multi-character SN just make sure to state who is speaking; color can't be picked up on the log. Don't worry, if it seems complicated at first, I do proctor and walk you through it. My system is really the easiest out there. We made it user-friendly for a reason.
When you go on a mission, it's the same as RP in a room, except you're not just sitting still. You need to pay attention to your surroundings. I used to explain our missions by saying it was an empty easel. It depends on you as to how much color and design is added. The more you express yourself, the more people will understand. The GM, game master, is in charge of the missions. That is the person in charge with telling you what you see. . It's a bit of a pain in the ass, keeping track of everyone and everything, but we don't mind.
OOC strings are vital when using weapons, skills, and spells that will level with use. This is an easy way for you to keep track of how many times you use them.
I have a fair way of figuring out who is hit, but usually, we just make everyone avoid. When fighting the creatures, everyone does so like a mass spar. You still get to avoid when they attack, but the creatures do not. Okay, let's say there are six people in the mission. I would roll 6d2 and then by order of the scoreboard is who was hit. If there is a 1 where your character is in line then it's a hit, a 2 means the creature didn't go for you but went for one of the others.
Here's an example from an actual log:
OnlineHost: WritingDiversity rolled 4 2-sided dice: 2 1 1 2
WritingDiversity: [Just then, two statues came to life and one went after Jaydin and the other after Tara. It was as if they picked them out of a crowd. I guess opposites do attract, eh? In that order, Jaydin and then Tara avoid, you need 11 to avoid. [The Golden Temple (4) | 1/26/2016 | Faith 0/36 | Jaydin 0/34 | Tara 0/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 0/52 | Statue 2 0/52]
Volatile Past: Deva moved Misty off to a hidden little corner where she wouldn't be attacked. Poor thing. She must not like spiders! Then she headed back to join the fight.
thiefthefallen: Level 1 | Gauntlet Block | +2 avoidance | 5/15 Level 1 | Smoke Screen | +2 avoidance | 3/15 ~in one of his telltale clouds of smoke he dodged out of the way pushing off the statue for a bit of a boost~
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 20-sided die: 1 = 3 is nowhere near 11.
OnlineHost: WritingDiversity rolled 2 13-sided dice: 7 3 = Because he missed his avoidance, the statues get to hit him with 10.
WritingDiversity: [any damage reducers post them now]
thiefthefallen: Spell; Level 1 | Arcane Shield | 9 (avoid/success) | +1 Defense | 1/3 uses | 3/15
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 20-sided die: 17 = His spell was a success for a +1 defense against the attack so it's 9 now.
Tortured Tales: [Tara | Level 1 | Silhouette Blur | +2 Avoidance | 8/15 || Level 1 | Shirking Away | +2 Avoidance | 2/15 | +4 total]
OnlineHost: Tortured Tales rolled 1 20-sided die: 4 = 4 +4 = 8 which isn't 11 either.
thiefthefallen: Right Tara just go talking about taking all of the money see what ye did?~he brought that shield of arcane magic up hoping to ward off the attack of the guardian seeing he couldn't get away fast enough~
OnlineHost: WritingDiversity rolled 2 13-sided dice: 6 11 = Because she missed her avoidance, the statues get to hit her w/17.
RunesofThorns: :seems to snap out of her daze to see what going on:
Tortured Tales: "If you want to get technical, I thought about all the money that we could have. You said early retirements." Okay, so they were both at fault. Who knew statues could read minds? She tried her best to get away, but it was just fate. That's all it was, fate. She would've been shocked that he called her by her name, if it wasn't for the fact that this statue just attacked her. It sent her flying into the wall with a powerful thrust. However, she hardened her body at just the last minute, before slamming into the wall. Yeah, that was going to leave a hell of a bruise. She hit the ground hard, shaking her head from the impact. "Now, I'm pissed." [Tara | Level 1 | Unyielding Resistance | -2 to damage | 1/15 || Level 1 | Solid Barricade | -2 to damage | 1/15 | -4 total]
WritingDiversity: [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 0/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 0/52 | Statue 2 0/52 - Faith, time to dig for gold!] = Her skill brought 17 down to 13.
thiefthefallen: ~was picking himself with a pained groan then moved to Tara's side grabbing her arm and helping her up~ Well ye got two big targets to choose from. ~nods~
RunesofThorns: Level 1 | Marksman Longbow | Attack +4 | 8 to avoid | 7/25 | Arrows 9/40 = Keep track of your arrows and your uses.
Tortured Tales: She accepted his help, shaking her head from the rather obnoxious throw into the wall. "Oh, I am going to turn them into gold coins." Her water bag broke off the clip and sat against the wall. Good thing it didn't spill, she'd have to go get more after this! "Thanks." She looked up at him, offering a bit of a smile, not much, just a bit. "Let's show them that we don't like getting hit."
RunesofThorns: Level 1 | Showers attacked | +2 | 7 Avoid | 9/15 :: she hope that her bow will do her some good as she looked at number two, as she let them fall onto him/her or whatever it really was::
OnlineHost: RunesofThorns rolled 1 13-sided die: 3 = 4 + 2 + 3 = 9 for an attack on them.
WritingDiversity: [Well, they were golden statues but the arrow did knock off a bit of a chunk of one of them. However, it didn't stop them from charging at them. [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 0/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 0/52 | Statue 2 9/52 - Jaydin, time to dig for gold!]
thiefthefallen: Level 1 | Alchemy Bomb | +2 | 7 Avoid | 1/15 Level 1 | Chinese Style [Alchemist Machete] | Attack +2 | 9 to avoid | 6/25 ~he reached into his hip pouch and drew out one of those clay spheres and threw it at statue #1 and it exploded with a shock of force and fire he quickly followed up and slammed his machete into that same point where it was weakened~
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 12-sided die: 6 = 2 + 2 + 6 = 10.
WritingDiversity: [With the sphere, it pushed it back a little but didn't stop its forward progress. With is machete chopped, he hacked off a few more pieces. It was still very much whole at this point. They were created for protection, and they weren't living, so all they were doing was slicing them off a little at a time. Gold pieces, though, that could be good!] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 0/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 10/52 | Statue 2 9/52 - Tara, time to dig for gold!]
Tortured Tales: [Tara | Level 1 | Execution Style | Soul Slasher | Attack +4 | 10 to avoid | +2 Defense | 13/25 || Level 1 | Fists of Fury | +2 | 7 Avoid | 5/15 || Level 1 | Auto Extra Damage | +2 | 1/100 +8 total] She stood there, giving them a look that would make the fiercest demon proud. Her eyes glaring, a half evil smirk on her expression. "Now, it's time to play, boys." Taking out her whip, she ran at the thing, doing that whole acrobat thing she was famous for. Leaping off the wall, she went over it, wrapping her whip around its head. If it were a living animal, this might do some damage, not sure about a statue. She was about to find out. As she fell to the other side, always on her feet like a cat, she yanked on the whip.
OnlineHost: Tortured Tales rolled 1 13-sided die: 12 = 4 + 2 + 2 + 12 = 20.
Tortured Tales: [1]
WritingDiversity: [The statue, much like the pig, was not created with bending parts and so it couldn't watch her gong over its head. It just stood there looking around, waving its hands, wondering where she went. That is, if they could think like that. With the swipe of the whip, it grated off a few more pieces, if this was blood it would be blood spray, instead, it was gold spray!] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 0/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 30/52 | Statue 2 9/52 - Deva, time to dig for gold!]
Volatile Past: [Deva | Level 1 | Execution Style | Royalty Served | Attack +4 | 10 to avoid | +2 Defense | 13/25 || Level 1 | Auto Extra Damage | +2 | 5/100| Level 1 | Iron Fist | +2 | 7 Avoid | 5/15 | +8 total] Royalty served on top of a clear beating is always best. Especially, when the (2) creature is already hurt. One complete circle around, over top of her head, and she brought it straight forward. BOOM. The thorns would embed into the creature and then she would pull away, yanking it off its feet and ripping its hide. She liked to fillet her meat when at all possible.
OnlineHost: Volatile Past rolled 1 13-sided die: 11 = 4 + 2 + 2 + 11 = 19.
WritingDiversity: [She brought it straight down, across its head, and when pulling back, there were shards of gold pulled off to. It looked like she gave it a haircut. 'Just a trim today, thanks!'!] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 0/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 30/52 | Statue 2 28/52 - Time for them to attack!]
OnlineHost: WritingDiversity rolled 4 2-sided dice: 1 2 2 2 = The statues get a turn and chose Faith.
WritingDiversity: [Faith, looks like they like the looks of you. One of them is coming for ya, ready to throw you into the wall too. Time to do some quick shuffling of those perty little feet!]
RunesofThorns: Level 1 | Run and scream | +2 avoidance | 0/15 Need I say more? | Level 1 |Twisted Faith | +2 avoidance | 0/15 twisting her body as she ducks down to avoid the attack :: she started to step back as she tried to run backward, then she fall to the ground covering her head hopping it misses her::
OnlineHost: RunesofThorns rolled 1 20-sided die: 1 = Nope, not an 11.
OnlineHost: WritingDiversity rolled 2 13-sided dice: 2 1
RunesofThorns: :ok this is really going to hurt::
WritingDiversity: [state any damage reduction skills/spells]
RunesofThorns: Level 1 | Roll with the punches | -2 to damage | 4/15 Flowing with the attack to lessen damage :: she felt the stupid thing as she goes into the fetal position, then she just relax her body to let everyhing ease up:
WritingDiversity: [For some odd reason, that worked.] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 30/52 | Statue 2 28/52 - Faith, feel the gold rush!]
RunesofThorns: 4/15 ....2/15 Level 1 | Marksman Longbow | Attack +4 | 8 to avoid | 6/25 | Arrows 8/40 Level 1 | Showers attacked | +2 | 7 Avoid | 10/15 ::once again she went after the same one number two as she tries to make sure he get cut up::
OnlineHost: RunesofThorns rolled 1 13-sided die: 8 = 4 + 2 + 8 = 14.
WritingDiversity: [After it tickled her and she gonna rain more arrows on it. Its feelings might be hurt at that! If it had any. Once more, showers of gold rained down upon them, resting in the sand beneath their feet.] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 30/52 | Statue 2 42/52 - Jaydin, feel the gold rush!]
thiefthefallen: Weapon: Level 1 | Chinese Style [Alchemist Machete] | Attack +2 | 9 to avoid | 7/25 | Skill: Level 1 | Alchemy Bomb | +2 | 7 Avoid | 3/15 ~with another bomb thrown at statue #1 one he went in hacking at the damned things legs with his machete~
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 12-sided die: 9 = 2 + 2 + 9 = 13.
WritingDiversity: [Funny, they didn't sign up for the leg shaving, but he still managed to chip away at the fine golden hairs off its legs. After all, even statues deserve fine, stubble-free legs. With all the gold they were chipping off the things, it's no wonder no one has gotten gold fever.] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 43/52 | Statue 2 42/52 - Tara, feel the gold rush!]
Tortured Tales: [Tara | Level 1 | Execution Style | Soul Slasher | Attack +4 | 10 to avoid | +2 Defense | 15/25 || Level 1 | Fists of Fury | +2 | 7 Avoid | 8/15 || Level 1 | Auto Extra Damage | +2 | 3/100 +8 total] Still feeling the effects from the flying lesson from the grumpiest teacher in the world, she still managed to avoid their wild swings and they only managed to tap Faith… that girl must have a horseshoe stuck up her butt. It was time to serve up some payback. Rushing towards the thing, she brought her hand around with a warrior cry, putting all her strength into it, wrapping the whip around its body. Pulling back, she tried to knock (2) on its golden arse.
OnlineHost: Tortured Tales rolled 1 13-sided die: 12 = 4 + 2 + 2 + 12 = 20.
WritingDiversity: [What with all the chipping and the leg shaving and the arrow piercings, the thing just finally crumbled into a million golden pieces. Everyone just got rich! If they dare.] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | Statue 1 43/52 | SMASHED 62/52 - Deva, feel the gold rush!]
Volatile Past: [Deva | Level 1 | Execution Style | Royalty Served | Attack +4 | 10 to avoid | +2 Defense | 14/25 || Level 1 | Auto Extra Damage | +2 | 6/100| Level 1 | Iron Fist | +2 | 7 Avoid | 6/15 | +8 total] Golden times were never the best for her, so she didn't really like anything gold that she couldn't spend. Not that she liked to shop much, but she didn't care for it. This guy (1) was getting on her last nerve. Rushing at it, she ran around it, wrapping her whip around its legs, pulling hard to see if she could make it fall. Maybe get luck and it will crumble too?
OnlineHost: Volatile Past rolled 1 13-sided die: 1 = 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9.
Volatile Past: She must not be real angry yet.
WritingDiversity: [Though not exactly sure how she did it, but it crumbled as well.] [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 9/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected) | SMASHED 52/52 | SMASHED 62/52 - 572 x 2 statues = $1,144/1,144 xp!] = We go by the dice chart for xp/cash worth.
Tortured Tales: Tara looked around at everyone. Faith didn't seem like she was that hurt, but Jaydin was. She motioned him over. "Come over here and let me tend to your wound." It was a commanding tone, not a pretty please would you, tone.
RunesofThorns: :: she felt fine, a litte bit hurt, but nothing major like the rest of them. They can heal each other, they both seem to like the pain it cases:
thiefthefallen: ~he glared at her for moment~Ye are just rainbows and daisys aren't ye?~he walked over after rolling his eyes~
Tortured Tales: She arched a brow, not at all sure what sparked that."What? You want to be healed or not?" As he walked over, she roughly positioned him, looking around. She didn't see any outward injuries. "Um, where does it hurt?" He would have to tell her this time, unless he wanted her hands roaming all over his body in search? She figured this was probably a little easier.
thiefthefallen: Ye could have just asked but....nevermind...I'm sorry.
Tortured Tales: She arched a brow. He apologized too much. "I just did. Where are you hurt?" And they say women are confusing. Psh.
thiefthefallen: ~winced as he rolled his should where the hit first landed~Shoulder and lower back. Where I met the damn things fist and where my back met the wall there after.. ~he began undoing the straps and buckles on his leathers peeling the chest piece off with the undershirt, the dark bruises already forming~Better?
Tortured Tales: Glancing around, she didn't see any way around it. She motioned to him with her hands, but he was already ahead of her. "Good." Remember that little pocket that she has in this leather bodysuit? Well, fingers reached inside, pulling out the little natural bag and piece of bark, handing it over. "Are you sure you don't want to bite down on this? It will help with the pain." She knew the answer before he said it, but, she had to ask all the same. Whether or not he took it, she walked over to the other bag of 'holy water' as Deva called it. "Okay, let's see what this does then."
thiefthefallen: ~hearing the "Let's see what this does" he took the bark~ ~he watched her with the water before putting the bark between his teeth~What are ye thinking Tara?
Tortured Tales: [Tara | Level 1 | Dr. Fix It | Dice +2 on heal | 7 (success) | 2/15] = This is her healing skill. She needs 7 for it to succeed. RP out your heals, don't just wave your hand or something.
Tortured Tales: First things first, opening up the bag of water she took a little bit on her fingertip and dripped it down into her natural gruel that she made. She was going to have to make some more of this stuff if they kept getting hurt.
RunesofThorns: ::things are going to get better by the second around here, shakes her head watching them:
Tortured Tales: She wasn't sure if the ingredients could be found in this cave, though. Mixing it with her finger, she felt the coolness, almost leaving a cool refreshing feeling. Like getting out of the river, soaked, and the wind lightly breeze over your naked body. That kind of refreshed. She turned and moved over to stand before him. She smirked at him biting the bark. It wasn't much, but it would work. Oh yeah, she'd have to get some more of that too. She did arch her brow slightly at the way his body ooked. She wasn't blind, even if she was a warrior, she did notice a good looking man when she saw one. She just didn't give any outward expressions about it. Bringing two fingers into the gruel, she started to rub them over his shoulders and into his back, almost massaging his flesh to get it in deep. After all, bruises were under the skin and it would take more to penetrate.
OnlineHost: Tortured Tales rolled 1 20-sided die: 14 = She only needed 7.
Tortured Tales: [Dr. Fix It | successful | first attempt | 0/9 Jaydin damage] = This is the easiest string to healing.
Seeing as how it was having a nice effect, she continued massaging it in. She wasn't worried about how it looked because it almost looked downright sexual, but this was a healing folks. Her fingers danced over his flesh, almost grinding in certain areas, to ensure the mixture absorbed into his skin. "How does that feel?"
OnlineHost: Tortured Tales rolled 1 13-sided die: 8
thiefthefallen: ~he winced at first but relax taking the bark from between his teeth~Like I was hit with a boulder but getting better quickly. It's not that bad just the first shock of touch hurt.
Tortured Tales: [Dr. Fix It | successful | second attempt | 8/9] = No guessing. Everyone sees how much more is needed.
She smirked about his statement, she could relate. "Well, you just got hit by a gold rush of a statue, so I guess that's normal." She continued rubbing it in, standing close to him, but it wasn't like she could do it from across the room. "I guess it's a good thing I know a few things from nature, eh?" She smirked at his backside, giving one final grinding with her palm into the middle of his back. "There, that should feel better."
OnlineHost: Tortured Tales rolled 1 13-sided die: 9
Tortured Tales: [Dr. Fix It | successful | second attempt | 9/9 | Healed] = Over healed, but you can't go over your original Health Points.
WritingDiversity: [The Golden Temple (4) | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 0/34 | Tara 13/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected)]
thiefthefallen: ~he flinched just slightly standing up right~ Why do ye think I call ye Miss Woodsy? ~smirked slightly as he turned pulling on his shirt then leathers~ What about ye? Ye took at shot worse then I.
RunesofThorns: :: yep, would say love is in the air, but nope it hard to get is what they are doing, tough love, this made her giggle as she leans back on a wall keeping all her thoughts to herself::
Tortured Tales: Usually, she would say that she was fine and she would walk it off. It would take a few hours but it was going to hurt like hell, and what if they ran across another nasty in there? Ugh. She nodded, "I could use a healing." She handed him the salve. "I guess you're going to have to do it since it's in a position I can't reach."
thiefthefallen: ~he took that salve and nodded~ No problem. ~he shot a glance at Faith hearing the giggle~What?
RunesofThorns: Nothing, I saw something that looked funny, you two go and do what you have to do. This healer is just going to watch you two have a good time hurting and healing each other. ::nods::
thiefthefallen: ~he looked confused for a moment and just shook his head then looked back to Tara~Ok tell me where...~he paused noticing the body suit realizing this might just get awkward for one of them~
Tortured Tales: She knew Faith was going to be shocked, but here it goes. She unzipped her leather bodysuit, pulling it down just to the waist. Pulling her arms out, she was wearing under clothing, don't worry, she pushed it down to just below her waist to show the small of her back. Well, they could see how it was she was able to hone her body for impact. She had muscles. Her arms were toned, and her abs were a nice four pack with the sexy line down the middle separating them. She pointed. "It's right there in the small of my back, at the top of my," she thought about that one and decided, nope, "small of my back. Yeah." She turned around so that he could see her back. It wasn't awkward for her. And as par for the course, her backside was just as toned. He could see the deep purple bruise already forming there.
RunesofThorns: ::nakedness was something she grew up with at the tavern life, and the castle which she lived, hell Kaitlin half the time was only in a white sheet, and the wild parties the tavern had on weekend help her get over naked bodies when was married off at a young age::
thiefthefallen: Level 1 | Healing Salve | Dice +2 on heal | 7 (success) | 4/15 ~yep more awkward for him afraid she might take his hand off if he slips but shrugs and dipped his fingers into the salve then began
to gently massage it into the small of her careful but firm touch to make sure her skin took the gruel~
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 20-sided die: 13 = Success!
thiefthefallen: Then why didn't the healer volunteer?~he shot a glance to Faith then returned his focus back to Tara~ Ye ok?
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 12-sided die: 6
Tortured Tales: She nodded. She had to deal with a lot worse than this before on her own. "Fine." Inward, she was grunting, groaning, and sweating the pain his fingers caused in that tender area, but outward, she didn't even show a grimace to the pain she felt. She stood there waiting for him to finish, but it started to feel a lot better. Not one-hundred percent, but Tara was definitely starting to feel better.
thiefthefallen: ~he took just a bit more of the salve on his fingers and began to gently cover the rest of the bruise lower down the small of her back being close was definitely a necessity for this~Almost done...ye are holding yer breath by the they way.
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 12-sided die: 6
Tortured Tales: "Your fingers are cold," it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the absolute truth in the reason she held her breath. She just didn't show people when she was hurt. It was part of her whole weakness is a disease theory on life. She rarely, if ever, showed that weakness. She was on her own for so long, it just came naturally to her.
thiefthefallen: ~he got an idea it seemed the salve wasn't helping her as much as it did him he sat it down moved to his backpack took out his own salve and vile and mixed them together along with a bit of powder he smeared it all on a patch of bandage and placed it at the small of her back just above her rump as it sat there for a moment she felt it warm into a soothing heat~This should keep ye from locking up.
OnlineHost: thiefthefallen rolled 1 12-sided die: 12
Tortured Tales: "I think you're enjoying this just a bit too much," she teased. Though, truth of the matter was, the more he massaged, the better it felt. There was a strange sensation with the next application and she wondered what he did different? It was like, her back was much better. No more tenderness there and she would be able to move again, freely, without pain.
WritingDiversity: [The Golden Temple 4 | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 0/34 | Tara 0/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected)] [The Golden Temple 4 | Faith 1/36 | Jaydin 0/34 | Tara 0/36 | Deva 0/36 | (Misty protected)] = Misty was protected this whole time, because the character is stuck in the caverns with them. They do not leave people behind. When you leave the room, take your character with you. Have it run out, disappear, or something that takes it from the danger zone.