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Questions are good. Ask plenty of them so I can put them here for others who might have the same ones.

Do I have to save the log?


No, but if you're not in the castle where I am logging, you need to send me the log for credit.

What is a PB?


It is short for played by. It is the picture of the person you are using. You must use a real-life picture of someone famous.

Can you play more than one character?


Yes. if all on one screen name. Just make sure you put the name of who is speaking at all times. Color doesn't show up on a log.

Do you mind if we bring in crazy characters?


Provided your character is not God, all are welcome.

Is there a room order?


If it is during a mission there could be.

Am I to understand this is a fairly D&D-constructed world?


Yes. When I first started RP, I brought Deva in from table top D&D. Brimstone is D&D with a twist.

Are there set times of RP?


No. At any time, you can go into the AIM room (Brimstone Castle or make your own) for RP and do so, whether on your own or with another Brimstonian. However, if you create your own chat, just send me the log for RP credit. No sexual logs accepted. I don't want you people sending me your porn.

How much are the skills and spells?


New skills and spells are $100. You still have to pay for them.

Can we make another room?


Sure. You make a new room, just send me the log for credit. I usually leave the castle open to anyone who pops on wants to RP. I am 'usually' here very late in the evening.

Why don't I see how much money I have?


You each keep track of that yourselves. Keep accurate track in case you are audited

Are there just humans in this?


No. There are many types. You can live by the masquerade and keep it secret or not, but NO God moding.

Do you have different classes?


No. People can be whatever they want, using what skill they want, provided it's the same level.

Is it turn based in the room?


No. We do not sit and wait for people to play. You post when you want. I usually will wait for someone to finish, but if you splice, you splice. There is no turn base.

What are the class restrictions?


None, just realistic restrictions.

What if I can't be here every day?


That's fine. If you sign up and don't show up for 2 weeks, you will be terminated. Once you make the roster (by participation) then you have 30 days before you are terminated.

What about shape shifters?


I like the realistic part of it. There's just something creepy about sitting around conversing with a lion, or a dog. You need to have a human form.

How do I get my character on the video?


Once your character is active then I know you're serious about the game and I'll add him/or her.

Can I use my money from another game?


No. You get the money for participation. You get $2000 upon starting so that you can get skills/magic, weapons, and supplies. That is just to start you off.

Can my character die?


If you choose to kill that character off, go for it. It will add drama to the realm. However, you cannot bring someone back from the dead. 

© 2016 by Brimstone Realm.

Proudly created by Lisa

(Tortured Tales/WritingDiversity)

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